ClickCease Choosing a Greeting Card?

Beautiful Collaborative Greeting Cards

eCards Signed By Everyone

  • eCards Signed By Everyone
  • High quality ‐ send by email, WhatsApp etc
  • Add Video Greetings & Photo Memories
  • Prices from Rs200
A greeting card showing a futuristic man

How to Choose the Perfect Greeting Card

All our cards may be signed by many people. Additionally our eCards are in glorious rich PDF. Try it today - you'll make someone's day!
An illustration of a happy lady
  • Choose a Greeting Card that allows MANY PEOPLE to send their good wishes (friends, family and/or work-mates)
  • Choose something that's a little different, and which can also be given as an eCard (great for sending at the last moment in case you forgot - oops!)
  • We have lots of unique Greeting Cards - perhaps one of these cards would suit you?

Make Someone's Day

An example card showing a cat and the words 'A little birdie told my you're leaving...'
1 Pick a card
Choose one of our lovely designs for leaving cards, birthdays, and more
A happy person having added their message to a card
2 Add your message
Tell us who the card is for and add your personal message
A team of people and an example card showing their signatures
3 Your team signs
Email a card link to workmates so they can easily add a message
A happy person having received their card signed by her colleagues
4 Make someone's day
Send a beautiful eCard by email or WhatsApp etc

Customer Reviews

  • Great idea for all of us working at home and can't distribute birthday cards around the office

    Score: 5/5
  • So easy to use, I love the way each message has it's own 'handwriting'. Such a simple way to send good wishes

    Nicky B.
    Score: 4.5/5
  • Super easy site to use - for ordering and for colleagues to 'click and sign'.

    Katrina W.
    Score: 4/5